The hike up Bear Creek Falls Trail went much better than the Jud Wiebe Trail Hike. While both trails climb over 1000 feet above the canyon floor, the Bear Creek Falls Trail is an out and back trail 2.5 miles each way. While most of the hike was still between 9,000 ft and 10,000 ft, the grade on the Bear Creek Falls Trail for the most part was much less than the grade of the Jud Wiebe Trail. The Jud Wiebe gained 1000 feet elevation in just a little more than a mile. The Bear Creek Falls Trail is obviously much more popular. The trail in some places is 20 feet wide and well worn, until you reach the last one half mile where the trail becomes quite narrow and steep. The Jud Wiebe Trail is single track almost the entire way, rarely more than two feet wide.
I saw probably 100 people on the Bear Creek Falls Trail, and over 50 dogs. Some of the dogs were quite small, with legs only a few inches long, but they were joyfully scampering up and down the trail with ease. I’m pretty sure this town has more dogs than people. Everyone was very friendly and said hello which eased much of the loneliness I felt on this trip. On the Jud Wiebe Trail, I saw maybe 20 people at most. Both hikes took about three hours.
I don’t actually have a good photo of the falls. There are always idiots who decide they have to climb up the side of the waterfall so I was waiting from them to leave before taking pictures. While resting at the top of the trail next to the falls I heard rumbles of thunder. I looked up and realized the sky suddenly darkened. I quickly decided being out in a thunderstorm near the top a mountain with aluminum hiking poles was not a good idea. After hearing thunder a second time, I put on my backpack, headband, and hat, and scampered back down the trail as quickly as I could. Fortunately very few rain drops fell on me, and the sound of thunder soon diminished.
The trail connects near the edge of Telluride, directly next to a brewpub, how convenient. I immediately went into the pub to collect my well-earned reward, a Betty Blonde Amber Ale. I had the best Mac and Cheese I ever remember there. I ordered an appetizer expecting a small bowl, and instead out came this huge full plate of Mac and Cheese. I was very hungry after the five-mile hike and 1000 feet of ascending and descending, but I still struggled to finish the meal.
The Bear Creek Falls Trail hike way exceeded my expectations. The sheer rock vertical rocks of the mountains were truly impressive and awe-inspiring. The skies changing from bright sun to dark threatening clouds made the day surrealistic.